Monday, February 12, 2018

Kawazu sakura 河津櫻花


Kawazu (河津町 Kawazu-chō) is a town located on the east coast of Izu Peninsula in Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.

Kawazu occupies a portion of the eastern coastline of Izu Peninsula, facing Sagami Bay and the Pacific Ocean. 
It is bordered to the west by the Amagi Mountains. The town has a temperate maritime climate characterized by 
hot summers and short cool winters, with the weather moderated by the effects of the warm Kuroshio current offshore. 
Parts of the town are within the limits of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. The area is noted for a large number of hot springs.
All the SOP are base on:
Live near Shinjuku st, also start station. 
Use google map app to check the train start to end stations. Very powerful!
JR wide pass 3 days. 
No certain plan. Chill walk and google store with high stars. 
0700 wake up. 
0800 Shinjuku st new South Exit, buy JR wide pass (3 days). Cost 10000 jpy. 
購票地點位於 新宿 新南出口 推薦購買 JR周遊三日票 一萬日幣

All the wide pass related trains, start/take from the new south exit. Pls remember!
This is new south exit beside mall NeWoMan:
簡單說 去較遠的東京近郊 基本上都是在 新宿 新南出口 建築物搭車

This is an old south exit:

JR wide pass is very worthy if you want to go to: Izu, Fuji mt., Nikko, Hakone...etc.
河津 熱海 日光 河口湖 箱根

Suggest to buy super view Odoriko, big window and better view. 
建議購買 超踴子號 大窗戶 好視野!
0830 from Shinjuku st. 
1102 Kawazu st. 
Odoriko Timetable as below: 

Another easy way is can use Google map. Just pin station, click it, eg from Shinjuku st to Kawazu st. 
google can tell you the train name and the time, cool.
推薦用google mapt查詢 頭尾站點 直接告訴你 車號和時間 非常好用!

Train pass Atami and Ito. The big window can enjoy perfect sightseeing. XD. 
因為窗戶大 沿途會經過 熱海和伊豆 可順便欣賞海岸風景!

Sakura did not fully bloom on mid-February. XD. 
官網是說從 2018 February 10 (Saturday) to March 10 (Saturday) 但是我二月中去看 幾乎都沒開花XD

But still can enjoy the good weather, river view and local store. 
但是沿路還是可以欣賞山水美景 以及傳統店舖和小吃

A special monkey show. 

Must try local famous fish kinmetai 金目鯛 (きんめだい). Bake it and match with shochu!
找一間店舖進去 享用特產魚種 金目鯛 燒烤搭配燒酌 非常對味!

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